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Diwali Party Tips - Simply Desi | Indian Restaurant

Diwali is one of the most important festivals celebrated across India and by Indians in all regions. People gather on this particular day to celebrate the festival together, light the firecrackers and party well that night with family, friends and relatives.

It's always an excellent way to sort out the tips for a Diwali party since many people gather around together to celebrate that special day with alot of fun and happiness. 


  1. If it is possible make sure to go for a theme in order to remember the special day with family and relatives.
  2. From dressing up to setting up the lights, Diwali is everything about the presentation to give that festival vibes.
  3. The best Diwali is complete and fulfilled only with special  Diwali food dishes. Check out the important dishes that are prepared on Diwali. 
  4. Arrange gifts for your guests since gifts always express your love and affection towards them. 
  5. Remember to wear cotton clothes so to avoid any fire crumbs falling on the clothes and burning them.
  6. Go with sustainable products and be responsible towards the environment. 
  7. Spend time together by conducting activities and games to engage your guests.